VHF DX homepage

This page was launched the 27th of October 2000
and last updated the 24th of February 2009.

Some brief history…

My name is Jens and I have been a radio amateur since the end of 1983. I made my first radio receiver together with my dad when I was about 7 years old. When I was about 12, I made some tests with FM transmitters on the FM-band. It was low powered, but this was a start for more radio-activity.
A friend of mine bought a 27MHz radio and soon I also got one. Contacts were made with several stations through the world on SSB and AM. At this time this was illegal in Sweden and when some American truckers didn’t understood that I was transmitting from Sweden I realized that there must be other ways - so I decided to get an amateur license.
In those days one had to know CW to get on the shortwaves so I started on the 2m-band. I soon realized that CW is mandatory on the high frequency bands. I learned CW and got a CW-license to be able to transmit with higher power. Unfortunately I couldn’t get the highest license-class since one then had to do 200 contacts on shortwave and I didn’t own any shortwave radio. (2m contacts didn’t count!)
In 1995 I moved to Skurup, locator JO65RL, about 30km SE from Malmö. I was soon QRV with the antenna mounted on the garage, but this limited the antenna space. Late 2005 my tower was put into place. It's a 15m tower and more information about the project is found here.

144MHz/2m activity

I have concentrated on the 2m-band and I am most active on CW and SSB. I am often QRV in contests and in Aurora-openings, but my output-power is only 25W and sometimes this is simply not enough.
Today my equipment for 144MHz is an FT225 transceiver and a 15 element yagi made by CueDee. I have put some FT225-modifications on these pages and if you do have this type of transceiver I’m sure there could be some interesting hints. I’m also most interested to know about your modifications or ideas for receiver improvements!
I have started to look through the electric installation in the house and completed it with a special earthing prepared for connection to the tower. On the wall behind my table, where the rigs are, now has a special earthbar where all rigs and accessories are grounded.

1296MHz/23cm activity

I use an old transverter from SSB-electronic with 1W output for the moment. When I was about to put up my a 65element yagi I realized that I had to have a pre-amplifier to keep the total noise factor on a decent level. I called Bengt-Arne at Parabolic and bought a tower mounted pre-amplifier with built in relays for switching. It can only handle about 200W but it'll do for a long time for me. It would of course be much fun to build an amplifier, but I felt that this was not the time for such a project.

HF activity

I am also QRV on shortwave with my IC751A, but I most often use my PCR1000 for receiving purpose.
When I am QRV on shortwave it is usually on 20m or 40m. I have put a dipole just below the roof, but I am working on another solution for 40m.

Instrumentation and other accessories

If you are interested in “homebrewing” it’s important, if not vital, to have some instruments. Here are some hints about instruments.
If you are interested in maintaining your Tailtwister here are some hints.

Membership and articles

I am a member of SSA and SK7OA. SK7OA meet almost every Sunday 16-18 local time.
I have also written a couple of articles published in some different papers and magazines.


When time permits I also play around with Scalextric racingtracks with my sons. I will present some ideas for Scalextric-racing on this page as soon as possible! If you have any ideas or hints please let me know.
But the kids are not only interested in racing, take a look here for junior/novice projects!

These pages were launched after having several ideas and discussions with some friends about Internet and Ham-radio and hopefully these few pages are only the beginning.
I will try to have more material about hamradio and electronics in a near future! The idea with these pages is not to have some “flashing” pages. These pages will never win a “beauty contest”, but I like when a page is loaded quick and therefore most of the pages only contain text with the opportunity to select pictures or more information at some occasions. The basic idea is not to make just another “link page”.
“The one who search will find” but to make things even easier here is a graphical map that Eric, DH2NCV has helped me to create – many thanks!

Safety remarks!

All material on these pages is used on Your own risk. Homebrewing can be dangerous! AC-voltages present in transceivers can be dangerous, and You might go QRT! You may not use any material from my homepage for commercial use without my written permission, BUT please feel free to use it in your own private projects and please let me know if you find any further improvements!

I will try to answer questions by email. Please let me know if you find any errors in the content of my pages.