
The history of Producon…

Producon stands for PRODUct development and CONsulting and was founded in 1992. I learned later that “produco” is Latin for “I bring into the world”, and this is really what the Producon business is all about!

The first idea was to be able to work by myself if I didn't secure any employment after graduation but it soon progressed include support to smaller companies, or companies without my skills. Some projects are simply too small to handle by large companies or the technique isn't something that the larger company would normally handle – but temporary need nonetheless exists for a specific project.
I have had several different costumers over the years and most projects are about developing and constructing parts for RF and microwaves. I have also helped costumers with project-leading and repair of broadcast transmitters and installations.

These pages will never win a beauty contest! As with Producon, you don't have to pay for all things in the real world. If I can't solve your problems by my self, I have several friends with other skills at companies similar to Producon and together we can solve most problems! I would then act as a project leader/manager.

If you are interested in hamradio